Feinstein Reportedly Expresses Bewilderment Over Kamala Harris Presiding in Senate

Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.) reportedly voiced perplexity last year when Vice President Kamala Harris presided over the Senate to cast a tie-breaking vote, according to a new article revealing the problems the elderly politician has as she continues her work in the Senate.

The latest New York Times piece covers Feinstein’s staff’s various responsibilities. It challenges the longtime senator faces as she returns to work following bouts of shingles and encephalitis earlier this year.

The most recent instance, though, reportedly occurred last year and demonstrated Feinstein’s trouble recalling, at times, the fundamentals of how the Senate runs.

Feinstein Reportedly Expresses Bewilderment Over Kamala Harris Presiding in Senate

Feinstein surprised her colleagues when she noticed Harris presiding over the Senate in one of many tiebreaking votes the vice president has had to cast.

“What exactly is she doing here?” Feinstein inquired.  “A person who witnessed the Scene.”

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Feinstein’s memory problems have been reported for more than a year. Still, after returning to the Senate after a monthslong vacation due to illness, the California Democrat appears frailer than she ever was and relied more on her staff to assist her in doing her job.

In February, Feinstein, 89, declared that she would not compete for reelection in 2024 but would serve the rest of her term. During her lengthy leave, several Democrats began asking for her resignation, but momentum had eased when she returned to work.

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