Mansa Musa Net Worth: Is He Still The World Richest Person?

Mansa Musa was the king of the Malian Empire. He is called “The Richest Man in History.” The tenth Mansa is named Mansa Musa. Futa-Jallon is also known as the Emir of Melle, the Lord of the Mines of Wangara, and the Conqueror of Ghanata.

He took the throne by putting someone else in charge. Musa went on an expedition to the Atlantic Ocean, which is why the King made him his second-in-command. When Musa went on a trip, he did it for his own religious growth, but he also brought along leaders and teachers so that his people could learn more about what the Prophet had taught.

He is known for being a faithful Muslim. People in northern Africa and the Middle East heard about his trip to Mecca in 1324.

Many people who saw the trip to Mecca and wrote about it were shocked by what they saw.

Mansa Musa Net Worth

Mansa was the Mali Empire’s tenth Mansa or conqueror. He ruled from 1312 to 1337. People think of him as one of the richest people in history, in part because Mali produced so much gold during his rule. At the height of the Mali Empire, when Mansa Musa was in charge, his wealth was equal to what $400 billion is worth today.

Mansa Musa Net Worth
Mansa Musa Net Worth

Mansa Musa was born in the year 1280. He died in the year 1337. (or possibly 1332). He was the 10th Mansa, which is the same as Emperor or “King of Kings.” When Musa became ruler, the Malian Empire was made up of land that used to be part of the Ghana Empire. Mansa Musa was called Lord of the Mines of Wangara, Emir of Melle, and Conqueror of Ghanata, among other things. Abubakari II made him his deputy, but Abubakari II never came back from an expedition. Mansa Musa was a very religious Muslim, and in 1324, he made a pilgrimage to Mecca. He took 60,000 men and 12,000 slaves, and each slave carried four pounds of gold bars. Musa built a lot of things, such as mosques and madrasas in Gao and Timbuktu. The Sankore Madrasah was the most well-known building he built during his time in power.

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The Richest Human Being Of All Time

After accounting for inflation, most people think that Mansa Musa was the richest person who ever lived. His inflation-adjusted net worth of $400 billion is more than what Elon Musk in September 2021 ($340 billion), John D. Rockefeller had in September 2021 ($340 billion), and Andrew Carnegie in September 2021 ($310 billion).

Family Trees and Journeys

Arab scholars like Al-Umari, Ibn Battuta, and Ibn Khaldun wrote a lot of what is known about Mansa Musa’s history and family tree. Abu-Bakr Keita, Mansa Musa’s grandfather, was Sundiata Keita’s nephew. The Malian Empire is thought to have begun with Keita. Mansa Musa’s grandfather or father, Faga Laye, did not become king or play a major role in Mali’s history.

In Mali, the current king would usually appoint a deputy to run the country while he went on a pilgrimage to Mecca or some other trip. This deputy would then become the next king. Abubakari Keita II, the king before him, put Musa in charge of the country while he went on a trip to explore the Atlantic Ocean. But he never came back, and Musa took his place on the throne.

Between 1324 and 1325, Musa went on a pilgrimage to Mecca. The trip took him 2,700 miles. In his procession, there were 60,000 men and slaves carrying gold and silk bags. He also took a lot of animals with him, like horses for the men and 80 camels that carried hundreds of pounds of gold dust. Musa gave gold to the many poor people he met along the way and traded gold in different cities. He also built mosques along the way. Musa’s generosity with his gold hurt him. When he gave a lot of gold to cities like Cairo and Medina, the value of the metal went down a lot. On his way home, Musa tried to fix the problem by borrowing gold from money lenders in these cities at high-interest rates. This time in history is important because it was the only time that one man was in charge of the whole gold industry and prices.


Everyone in the area knew about Musa’s incredible and impressive wealth, especially his gold, largely because it was so visible during the pilgrimage to Mecca. During his rule, he paid for a considerable building program in Mali. During this time, many mosques and madrasas were built, including Sankore Mandrasah, which is now the University of Sankore. He also encouraged people to live in cities. During his time, more people moved to city centers, and he is seen as a key figure in the rise of urban civilization.

Musa also grew his empire by adding Timbuktu and Goa to it when he stopped in these cities on his way to Mecca. During this time, he had architects from Spain and Egypt help him build the Djinguereber Mosque in Timbuktu, which was his grand palace. Timbuktu became an important place for trade, culture, and Islamic learning in Musa’s empire. He also cared a lot about education. During his rule, the University of Sankore built one of the world’s biggest libraries, with about 1 million manuscripts, which was bigger than the Library of Alexandria. Timbuktu became so well-known that traders from cities in southern Europe like Venice and Genoa added it to their routes.


Scholars have a lot of different ideas about when Musa died, so no one knows for sure. Some people think Musa died in 1337 because he was king for 25 years, which is the same amount of time as his successors. Others say he died much earlier, and they point to records that say he gave up the throne to his son and died soon after coming back from Mecca in 1325. Another story says that Musa was still alive when the city of Tlemcen was built in Algeria in 1337.

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